Regarding Kind words from our friends...
Thank you, City of Flags Chorus, for providing entertainment at our organization's installation program! It was clear that you enjoyed singing as much as we enjoyed listening to your fun and upbeat tunes. I know that an a cappella performance doesn't just happen without rehearsal time and a lot of memorization. Thank you for sharing your passion for making harmony, which in turn helped make our banquet extra special. I'm sure that the other guests on the patio thoroughly enjoyed it as well.
All the best,
Andrea Rossiter
Junior Women's Civic Club President
(May, 2022)
All the best,
Andrea Rossiter
Junior Women's Civic Club President
(May, 2022)
A Festive Holiday Performance enjoyed by All! Members of the City of Flags Chorus serenaded the UAWC at their Hower House Fall Meeting. All decked out in matching outfits, these harmonizing ladies treated us to a program of seasonal favorites from sublime to toe-tapping fun numbers. It was plain to see that all the ladies were well-trained and enjoyed connecting with an audience. Brief introductory comments before each number seamlessly moved the program forward and gave the performance continuity. Would heartily recommend this acapella group for a fun musical program in the future! – University of Akron Women's Club
- University of Akron Women’s Club